Final essay

Shungo  Tanaka
1st 36 No.21714150
Class: More English Cultures
17 January  2018

Important Thing to Divide People

1 Environment is one of the most important thing for people.  There are a lot of people in this world and someone is become successful person, the other is become unsuccessful person.  One of the factor that makes different to people to success or not success is environmental.  In this essay,  I am going to focus on a relativeness between the number of crime rate which represent unsuccessful people and countries’ GDP ranking which shows a environment of its counties to show that environment is one of the most important thing to avoiding unsuccessful results.  
I am going to explain about a crime rate.  A basic crime rate is a way of concisely showing the relationship between two quantities, numbers of crimes in an area and  numbers of population of that area.  It shows that a dangerousness of country and I am going to use this ratio as a environmental of the country which I wrote in above paragraph.  I am going to use a crime of murdering rate ranking of the world countries.  It because that murdering is the furthest thing to success and it is a good example of unsuccessful people and its’ environmental. In the data which I am going to use,  it shows the number of murdering crime which happened per hundred thousand population.  Specific datas are come from Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justine Systems -CTS,  ICPO and Interpol.  In this data,  definition of murdering is that illegally and intentionally caused others to die.  
Next, I am going to explain about a GDP ranking.  Gross Domes Product (GDP) is the monetary value of all the finished goods and services produced within a country’s borders in a specific time period.  Though GDP is usually calculated on an annual basis, it can be calculated on a quarterly basis as well.  GDP shows a environmental of country because it includes all private and public consumption, government outlays, investments, private inventories, paid-in construction costs and the foreign balance of trade ( exports are added, imports are subtracted). Put simply,  GDP is a broad measurement of a nation’s overall economic activity.  It is one of the greatest numbers that shows countries environmental.  
Then, I am going to show 6 countries which include 3 countries that have a good environmental and 3 countries that have a bad environmental.  As I said,  I chose 6 counties based on GDP ranking.  In this data,  a unit of numbers are 1 billion dollars per number.  
3 counties which have a good environment are Japan,  United Kingdom and Germany.  Japan’s GDP is 4,936.54 and it ranked as 3’d place of a world.  United Kingdom’s GDP is 2,629.19 and it ranked as 5th place of a world.  Germany’s GDP is 3,479.23 and it ranked as 4th place of a world.  In this data,  there are 191 countries so it shows that compare to the other countries,  these 3 countries have a really good environment.  On the other hand,  3 countries which have a bad environment are El Salvador,  Jamaica and Saint Lucia.  El Salvador’s GDP is 26.80 and it ranked as 100th place of a world.  Jamaica’s GDP is 13.96 and it ranked as 121st place of a world.  Saint Lucia’s GDP is 1.68 and it ranked as 169th place of a world. It shows that these 3 countries have a really bad environmental relatively.  
Look about each 6 countries’ crime rate.  First, focus on 3 countries which have good environmental, Japan,  United Kingdom and Germany.  If the ranking of this rate is lower,  it is better because if its’ numbers are high,  it means that the country has a lot of crimes.  Japan’s murdering crime rate is 0.31 and it ranked as 197th place of a world.  United Kingdom’s murdering crime rate is 0.92 and it ranked as 169th place of a world.  Germany’s murdering crime rate is 0.85 and it ranked 176th place of a world.  This data covers 205 countries so these data show that these 3 countries’ murdering crime rate are really low.  It means that these 3 countries’ unsuccessful people’s number are really low.  On the other hand,  look about 3 countries which have a bad environmental,  El Salvador,  Jamaica and Saint Lucia.   El Salvador’s murdering crime rate is 108.63 and it is 1st place of the world.   Jamaica’s murdering crime rate is 43.22 and it is 5th place of the world.  Saint Lucia’s murdering crime rate is 21.55 and it is 17th place of the world.  It shows that these 3 countries have a lot of unsuccessful people.  
In short,  Japan is 3/197 ( GDP rank/  Crime rate rank),  United Kingdom is 5/169.  Germany is 4/176.   El Salvador is 100/1.  Jamaica is 121/5.  Saint Lucia is 169/17.  It is obvious that two numbers,  GDP rank and crime rate rank have inverse proportion relationship.  In other words,  if the country has good environmental,  the number of unsuccessful people become lower.  It shows that environment has a strong influences to divide a people into successful or unsuccessful.  

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